I know you guys remember the story of Courtney Clenney who stabbed her Nigerian boyfriend to death claiming that it was self-defense. Well, her parents apparently just got arrested as well in connection with the murder case. Warrant for their arrest was due to the excessive unauthorized access to a computer that belonged to the victim, Christian Obumseli. Apparently, after Courtney’s apartment got turned over to her parents, her father found the victim’s laptop in the apartment and attempted to access it before turning over to his attorney. This led the police to believe that he was attempting to conceal evidence.
Her parents are still in custody in Texas and little is known as to when will they be expedited to Florida to face the charges. Meanwhile, their daughter Courtney remains in custody awaiting her trial for a second degree murder and she will also face the same charges brought against her parents.

Well, God doesn’t sleep! Folks will intentionally commit hateful crime and then claim that it was self defense. From the video clips and footages that surfaced during this whole case, she seemed very abusive because she was the one putting hands on him as he tried to block her funky little hands from hitting him. Yeah there’s a thin line between love and hate, but if it reaches the point where you feel hate and anger towards someone you claim to love, move on! The feeling of hate in your heart for someone is nothing to play around with.
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