“I was just going to get one eye at first, because I thought that if I go blind, at least I’ve got the other eye. I should have stuck with that… My daughter asked me, ‘What if you go blind?’ I wish I had listened to the wise 7-year-old daughter,” Anaya says ruefully.

The Belfast, Northern Ireland-based woman was left hospitalized by the eyeball modification after a potential reaction to the ink, and now claims she is at risk for developing cataracts.
“I don’t have 20/20 vision anymore. From a distance, I can’t see features on faces,” she said. “If I didn’t have my eyeballs tattooed, I wouldn’t be having this problem. Even today I woke up with more floaters in my eyes. And that is dangerous.”
The problem cannot be resolved since she can’t remove the tattoo ink from her eyes.
Anaya says that her first eyeball tattooing went away incident free. For months after tattooing her right-eye blue in July 2020, she had no complications. Yes, there was some dryness and she suffered headaches, yet she opted to tattoo her left eyeball purple in December of that year.
In August 2021, she woke up one day with incredibly swollen eyelids that looked like a boxer’s blackeye. When things began worsening, she decided to check herself into the hospital. She was put on an intravenous drip medication for three days and the treating doctors biopsied her problematic eye.
“I’m kind of recovered — on the outside, it’s recovered. It’s just inside. I’m basically on the verge of going blind,” she said. “If I could go back in time, I would have done one black (eye tattoo) and left it. I would have done one black. Absolutely,” Anaya swears to herself to never go down that path again.
But it may be too late already. Hopefully, this sad chapter and this tragic outcome may serve as a warning to others who may otherwise tend to take things for granted and dare to get such risky procedures done on their body and health.
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